Five Foolproof Interview Techniques

Conducting an interview can be tough, you want to elicit as much information from a person as possible, whilst remaining as friendly and personable as possible. The more someone is at ease with you the more they are likely to open up and talk to you.
But, not everyone has this skill, which is why we have put together our five foolproof interview techniques which will help you get the most from your interviewee.
1. Location, location, location – It seems undos simple but you will be surprised how many interviews I have seen conducted in coffee shops! Find somewhere quiet where you can both talk openly without losing focus (and can actually hear something!).
The person you are interviewing needs to feel comfortable and probably doesn’t want every Tom, Dick or indeed Harry knowing their personal details.
If you haven’t got an office, then rent a space or room at a local hotel or business centre.
2. Know your ABCs of the person you are interviewing – I am sure you have all watched or heard a TV or Radio interview where the person interviewing has been misinformed by their researchers and asks a celebrity a question about something totally unrelated to them.
Know your stuff, don’t rely on someone else to give you the information go out there and look into it yourself. It shows respect to the person you are interviewing and allows you to ask specific questions about themselves.
3. Choose your questions wisely – Timing is everything after all depending on how long you have with the person you really only have minutes to gather all the information you needs.
So choose open question, ones that will give you more details and allow the person to elaborate more.
4. Take Notes – This is extremely important, after all you want to remember everything, but taking notes, listening and asking questions can be tricky. If you can have someone sit in on the interview and take notes, or even better use a recording device to ensure you don’t miss a thing.
5. Explain yourself – It is important that you explain yourself and the interview process, so that the person you are meeting with knows what to expect. This sets up the parameters of the interview and keeps you both focused.
These five foolproof interview techniques are just the tip of the iceberg, but if you follow them you will get the information you require and have a positive experience.