Why Should You Outsource Your Transcription Needs?

If you are considering hiring a full time transcriptionist, whether for the recording of meeting minutes, or for accurate medical transcription services, you might want to look at other options first.
Pay Only For Services Completed The availability of independent contractors is increasing steadily, thanks to the new improvements in technology and communication. That means that there are small companies, like Fingertips Typing, which are willing to work on an as-needed basis. You don’t pay for unused hours, yet you get the high quality work that you desire at a very affordable rate.
When One Isn’t Enough Even when the need for these skills is very common in your company, there is good reason to seek transcription services online. One, on-site transcriptionist is wonderful for those spur of the moment meetings, but it also means that one job is done at a time. Often, the companies that are considering hiring a full time transcriptionists are in such great need of such talents, that the list of work to be completed piles up and time to completion continues to grow. Whereas, the independent contractors can have several people working on multiple tasks at once. Therefore, the turnaround time is significantly shorter.
Space Efficiency Furthermore, audio transcription services can be done remotely. That means that you aren’t paying for transcription equipment, you aren’t allotting precious office space, and there is no need for an investment in a desk, chair and other such office furniture to accommodate the transcriptionist. The independent contractor covers these costs, and charges you only for the services performed. Less overhead means a better bottom line, but that’s not all. The independent contractor isn’t going to require paid time off, insurance, or other such benefits. In the end, it can be a much more financially responsible decision to outsource your transcription work.