4 Ways to Speed Up the Transcription Process

In a hurry for your next audio transcription services to be completed? In the business world, there is often a need to turn such projects over as quickly as possible, to ensure that other processes are not hindered or delayed. Fortunately, there are things that you can do, which will make the job easier and faster for the professional transcriptionist.
Include Notes Don’t overlook the notes or input section when submitting your audio for digital transcription. Making your specific desires clear in the beginning will prevent the need for editing later, and that means less time between now and the time you have the completed document. If there is something that you want added in to the transcription, something that you want omitted, or something that you want emphasized, say so before the job is started.
Provide Spelling If there is a particularly tricky name, an unusual company name, or a difficult term repeatedly used, then offer the spellings to the transcriptionist. Very often, it takes extra time to look these things up to determine the proper spelling, so you can cut down the run time if you provide that up front.
Keep Speakers to a Minimum If at all possible, keep your recorded meetings to a minimum number of speakers, or have each participant say his or her name before adding to the dialog. With multiple speakers, it can become a challenge to decipher one voice versus another, and that can certainly make the process run longer than usual.
Make it Easy to Access Audio Sending an audio file that is difficult to load or that is of particularly poor quality will certainly make transcription services more time consuming. Offer links to the original files, if they have been uploaded to a website, or be sure to send the file in a user-friendly format.