Why you should transcribe You Tube Videos & Vlogs

Videos & Vlogs – Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world — second only to Google, its parent company. 60 hours of video are uploaded onto YouTube every minute[1] and with over a billion users[2], how do you get your video seen and heard by them when there is a sea of videos out there.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) plays a massive part in your success in getting your video noticed, the basics of which are to use: keywords, title, description, and tags. However search engines can only crawl text, not images or audio, so as a vlogger or YouTuber you need to give your video text which involves having a full and accurate transcript.
By transcribing your YouTube videos you are likely to see your number of views increase.
Why you should transcribe your videos?
- Aid People with Hearing Difficulties – There are 70 million deaf people worldwide, by transcribing your videos you will give people with hearing problems access to your videos. your videos. The laws also requires captioning videos in some context to help deaf people access the same content as everybody. So it is better to transcribe your videos to be on the safe side
- Better SEO and More Traffic to Your Website – As highlighted about by adding full transcription, keywords and tags you are allowing search engines to access the full content of your video, helping people find them quickly and easily
- Improved Comprehension – Non native English speakers often find it easier to watch videos with transcription, making the content easier to understand and memorise
- When you can’t access audio – If you are on public transport, a library or in the workplace there may be times when you do not have any headphones and therefore can’t listen to the audio of a video. By transcribing your file you will still ensure that your audience can access it, wherever they are
How to transcribe your videos?
YouTube does have the facility to caption and transcribe your videos, however these tools are basic and although a good starting point, they still often produce errors which will mean that you need to manually clean up the errors which can be both time consuming and tedious.
You could use transcribing software or online resources such as:
- SpeechPad
- Fivver
You can use a professional transcription service like FingerTips Typing Services, which provides high quality services, with a quick turn around. Contact us to see how we can help
[1] Source: Jeff Bullas.com http://www.jeffbullas.com/2012/05/23/35-mind-numbing-youtube-facts-figures-and-statistics-infographic/
[2] Source: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/yt/press/en-GB/statistics.html