Bring a Transcriptionist to Your Focus Group

Focus groups are an essential part of business today. They provide insight for those creating new products, revamping brand images, or preparing to unveil new campaigns. The ability to speak directly to the niche market is an invaluable resource and one that should be taken full advantage of.
Hosting a focus groups means gathering opinions, building an understanding of certain attitudes, testing assumptions, starting important discussions, and educating a segment of your intended audience. There is so much significance to be found in these gatherings, which is why you will want to hire transcription services.
Taking notes during a focus group is helpful. It can help you record your own thoughts and some of those expressed by others in attendance. But, note taking doesn’t capture all of the fine detail. Furthermore, it is easy to forget to record something of importance when you are trying to keep the conversation flowing.
Audio recording is great and highly recommended, but again, you want something that you can easily put in front of investors, co-workers, and superiors after the focus group concludes. Video and audio files are great when you want to revisit the tone of voice, but text files are searchable, can be highlighted, and pieces of them can easily be copied and pasted as needed. However, if you don’t want a transcriptionist sitting in on the group session, the recording provides the material needed for video transcription afterward.
With that being said, it is wise to make immediate plans for focus group transcription services. London transcriptionists can record the audio verbatim, but you may want to include material from notes taking during the session. When these notes include shorthand or make only vague mention of a particular idea, the transcriptionist may have to ask for clarification. It is going to be much easier to recall what was meant by those notes a day or two after the focus group meets, as opposed to trying to recall the particulars a month down the road.