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Three Reasons Why Religious Organisations Should Transcribe Their Sermons

Church sermon

Easter Sermons

Three Reasons Why Religious Organisations Should Transcribe Their Sermons

Posted By Cathy Bennett

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The Easter Holidays are upon us with churches all over the world getting ready to celebrate the life, death and rebirth of Jesus Christ, many sermons will be being prepared for Sunday’s service.

But why should churches and other religious organisations transcribe their sermons?

The goal of most religious organisations is to spread the word and beliefs of that religion to as many as people as possible. They want to ultimately grow their congregation and the teachings of that faith.

  1. Reach a wider audience – The digital age is well and truly upon us, only last week the Church of England announced that all Churches in the UK are to get card machines in order to take donations via card rather than the cash collection tins. By transcribing your sermons and uploading online you will get access to an even bigger audience and reach out to those in your congregation that might not be able to make it to service.
  2. Accessibility – People who are deaf or hard of hearing will benefit greatly from your sermons being transcribed. As well as people who do not speak English as a first language and may struggle to understand audio, due to accents and speed of the talking.
  3. Improve Marketing – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an extremely useful marketing tool it improves your website’s ranking in search engines like Google. By transcribing your sermons and uploading them to your website allows search engines to index the content. You can also repurpose your sermons, create a blog on your website or create regular newsletters and social media posts. All of this will engage with your audience and improve SEO driving new traffic to your site.

Life is incredibly busy nowadays and most people don’t take the time to listen to a 30 minute sermon, however they will take a few minutes to read so don’t miss out on this opportunity to reach them.

Fingertips Typing Services offers sermon transcription and have a team of friendly transcribers ready to get to work on your sermons. Find out more by emailing:

Happy Easter everyone, we hope that you have a lovely long weekend with your family and friends.

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