Our work is subject to a quality control check. This ensures that minutes and rate details are taken, the time required back is taken, the quality of the dictation is reported on, any track changes that were made are shown to the typist along with a report, and a final copy emailed back to the client.
After the transcriptionist has completed the transcript he/she is required to proof the document which includes re-listening to any unclear parts, carrying out a spell check and a general check of the transcript.
Transcriptionists’ work is randomly selected to go to our team of proof readers to ensure their work is up to Fingertips high standard. The proof reader sends back a tracked copy showing all the changes that were made, a final copy for the client and a proof reading sheet for the typist.
This sheet gives the typist a grade and also has comments for spelling, grammar, listening skills and template following. The transcriptionist’s grade needs to be at A or B level. If this is not achieved after three proofing sheets (thus giving the typist an opportunity to take on board the proof reader’s comments) then the transcriptionist cannot work for us anymore.
Your dictation will only be allocated to experienced audio transcription secretaries ensuring an efficient, accurate and professional transcript. If words are inaudible we will put unclear in square brackets in black font in italics with the time of the dictation alongside it. If we thought a certain word was spoken but this is not entirely clear we will put s.l. and the word in square brackets in red font with the time of the dictation alongside it (s.l stands for sounds like). You can listen to your dictations through Express Scribe which is a free program where you can easily track parts of your dictation that you want to check.
Go to http://www.nch.com.au/scribe and go to the bottom of the page to download it.
During transcription, we complete the dictation to the best of our ability. If we come across dictation that is unclear, but it sounded like a certain word we put s.l. (sounds like) and the word next to it, highlight this in italic font in square brackets with the time of the dictation. If we cannot make out the word at all, then we type unclear in italic font in square brackets with the time of the dictation. The secretary will put a marker on the dictation file so that her team leader can listen to the word and try to interpret it. If the word is still unclear, the client can easily listen to that part of the dictation and correct the word.
After a secretary has completed a dictation, she is required to fill in the front page of the transript. This contains various details including the name of the voice file, the secretaries name, the date and comments regarding dictation. The secretary will comment on whether the dictation was clear or whether it was poor and any extra comments the secretary feels relevant. Digital dictation is aimed at helping secretaries as well as dictators and the purpose of these comments is to encourage dictators to dictate clearly and effectively, ensuring efficiency for both the dictator and transcriptionist.
Our Service Level Agreement outlines our levels of service, dates and turnaround times and who carries out certain duties. A copy can be seen upon request.
Upon commencement with Fingertips, our transcriptionists receive our official guidelines. It is a very comprehensive booklet covering formatting, types of transcription, punctuation etc. This ensures continuity, professionalism and accuracy.
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